27 July 2017

K9 Diaries - Trying New Things

As I mentioned before there was a wax on then way off process. This is to build up a layer as part of the mould release, so the fibreglass resin doesn't stick to the pattern.  But this takes several hours as once the wax is applied you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes before polishing off then another 4 layers with 30 minutes in between each layer. And this has to be done for each section where fibreglass is applied.

In an attempt to cut down the time required, I’m trying the release agent recommended by Easy Composites. This is just applied then given a rub over to level any uneven coating. So instead of the hours it takes for wax and the hours it takes for PVA to dry, easylease dries in just 5 minutes Yay.

I've also switched to using putty wax rather than plasticine which is a lot easier to work with. Here I've filled the seems all round, and just need to add some keying features.

I'm a bit nervous about the release agent, as you can't tell that it's there! I don't think I'll have time tonight to finish this section so I started work on the head as well.

Thursday 27th July 2017 and it's gel coat time. I'm really nervous about this release agent, but here we go. Here's the gel coat applied, now wait 45 mins approximately.

And then the glass, it took a lot more resin than I thought as well, I can see another order for resin happening in the near future.

And while I was at it I did a bit on K9's head as well. I has some issues with consolidating the layers.

I've bought these rollers, but they seem to push the fibre glass about rather than squishing the air out, lets just hope It'll turn out alright.

So, only three more sides for the body mould, and three more for the head.

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