5 April 2018

K9 - head upgrades

Now progress on the control panel is coming to fruition, I need to look at wiring the I2C bus into the head. However when I came to look at the wiring, I've realised that a bit of rework is in order.

The visor Arduino Mega is mounted nicely, but the Arduinos for the radar ears and laser is very poor so needs sorting out before I add the extra wiring.

Spaghetti junction

After much work I've created an assembly for the 2 Arduino Nanos that control the ears and the laser, as well as a DC-DC converter an a signals distribution board. It is alittle tighter than I anticipated, but it is a removable module. 

Also it incorporates the I2C bus, so eventually they will take commands from the Raspberry pi, and not ust the control panel switches

1 April 2018

K9 - Control Panel

This weekend I'm changing the button signals to I2C signals. I was disapointed to find that the Raspberry pi could only be a master so will not respond to I2C signal. It will only request data from slaves.

Pre - conversion pic

Progress is slow but getting there.
Nano support and some wiring
Arduino Nano One to control the LED's in the switches. Arduino Nano 2 to detect button pushes and send via the I2C bus. Arduino Nano 3 & 4 to control the LED matrix in 2 red displays. Only One LED matrix fitted and half wired.
Power and signals to the control panel through the 9 pin D-type connector.