27 May 2018

2nd K9 Continued

After a little work in the garage, I'm begining to see what I need to do to knock this body shell into shape. A little strengthening here and there etc and it should be good to go.

It looks much better with the excess fibreglass cut off.

The second control panel,

7 May 2018

Second Head

The Idea is to cut a hole in K9's head to accomodate a speaker, but as I don't want to do major changes to K9 which I cannot easily reverse I thought it best to make a whole new head to work on.

and so it begins
The Gel coat took an exceptionally long time to cure, so I've ordered some fresh catalyst, but in the mean time I removed the part from the mould.

And did a little tiding up.

Now I'll have to wait for the new catalyst to arrive so progress is halted.

The head ready to come out of the mould.

Next the control panel and side panel. The side panel may take a little longer as I don’t have a mould for the side panel. The panel I have on K9-1 is plywood that is impregnated with resin and spray, but I can perhaps use it as a pattern.