25 July 2017

K9 Diaries - The Return of the Wanderer

K9's body has returned from Manchester, where Matt has been making him sooth and sleek ready for the mould making, and what a lovely job he's made of it.

So much so that it seems a shame to plaster fibreglass all over it. I could almost just add a coat of spray and mount the head and we'd be away.

But no, I must resist the urge to cut corners, and so starting on the top, I'm now doing the old, wax on, and wax off, routine, like a character from the Karate Kid!
This is followed by PVA release agent. Sadly the process didn't go brilliantly, because the spray gun didn't deliver the fine mist I was anticipating, and the PVA tended to pool in blobs rather than leaving a nice, smooth even coating.

So I spread it around as best I could with a cloth and hoped for the best. He he!

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