16 August 2017

K9 Diaries - A Body in the Garage

Removing the mould
It began like any other evening, visiting family, what I really wanted to do was to get home to deal with the body in the garage. I had quietly secured it the previous evening, and I just needed time for the idea to gel. When I finally got into the garage, it was like driving a wedge between reality and a shadow. How would it turn out, would this be the end of a dream? Would the Fibreglass police turn up at my door and charge me with insufficient application of release agent?

One side revealed
After the wedges had been gingerly tapped in, the mould began to release again quite easily at the top, but it seemed to be sticking in the recesses again. Oh the torment, until with a cracking sound it just popped off. I was so relieved!

It also looked quite good for saying I'd taken a chisel to the mould.

Then it was on to the other side, I wasn't out of the woods yet.

Right side and front.

I was on a roll, the wax release agent is definitely is the way to go. Perhaps I'll try Easy Lease again in the future but I'll test it out on some not so important bits before I roll that dice again.

Here are three sides revealed, it was going too well!

Time for the bum

The rear section was a little  tricky, I thought it was going to give me some problems, but in the end just a little gentle teasing and plastic wedges tapped in all round, was all that was required.

The top section was a breeze. So this is it, K9 has a body shell, just a bit of a trim to remove the excess fibres around the edges and a little light sanding required around the edges.

K9's body revealed
Photos by my lovely wife, Debs :)

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