22 August 2017

K9 Diaries - 11 days to go

Head Mould

Only 11 days remaining before the appearance of k9 the wonder dog, so I'd better get my skates on. Fortunately I've been working slowly but steadily towards the ultimate goal. Sometimes it seems like he'll never be done, and so many different things to organise, and co-ordinate, with things slowly lumbering into position, it's like the aligning of the planets.

Fortunately the head mould did come apart mostly OK. Just a little sticking on the front of the head in the mouth area. Relatively cleanly, so only a little tidying up and it and it should be good to go.

The control panel is also progressing, this needs to be completed so I can gauge to correct size for the hole to accommodate in the body. Then I can move on to prepping and painting, before fitting all the systems in the body shell.
I decided on a two part mould. Hopefully the two parts will pull apart easily. Again with the experimental, I went for plain MDF with no primer, just 6 or so layers of wax release agent, all holes and imperfections filled with wax.

Both sides of the control panel mould are now covered.

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